Direct Services
Contractual Risk Assessment Services
Analyze existing or potential Client Agreements with any third-party including vendors, contractors, landlords and tenants to strengthen the insurance language and identify those risks passed to the Client.
Insurance Policy Audit
Client’s current in place insurance policies will be reviewed against Client’s loss exposure to determine if any modifications to current insurance coverage are needed as well as any additional coverages for previously uncovered risks. Policies and endorsements are audited to ensure the breadth of coverage and language has you well protected.
Enterprise Risk Management Program Development and Management
Develop a new enterprise risk management framework to identify, evaluate, respond to, and monitor risks for your organization.
Merger & Acquisition Management
Provide Client with an analysis of the Transaction Agreement on all matters relating to the insurance and risk management programs of the entities or other areas of concern within the Agreement to minimize the risk of financial loss. Opportunities for synergy or potential savings will be highlighted.
Insurance Renewal Management Services
Independent and objective advocate to manage the renewal process to ensure the renewal submission is presented to the markets in a consistent, comprehensive and advantageous manner.
Broker Evaluation & Selection
Conduct Broker RFP, schedule and manage verbal assessment, make selection recommendation and assist with transition to a new broker.
TPA Evaluation & Selection
Conduct TPA RFP, schedule and manage verbal assessment, make selection recommendation and assist with transition to a new TPA.
Certificate of Insurance Program Management
Review of risk transferred through a Client’s operational agreements to identify what risks an organization accepts are covered and insured against, uninsured against or uninsured when protection should have been in place.
Provide Project Staffing
To meet Client’s short-term temporary risk management needs including assumption of Risk Manager’s role during a transition phase.
Third-Party Claims Management
Review open claims to evaluate potential means of cutting costs and streamlining expenses including analysis of reasonableness of reserves and investigative costs. Suggest strategies for resolution where feasible and in the best interest of the Client.
Cost Savings Alternatives/Claims Analysis
Review of Client’s deductibles, retentions or other program costs will be made to measure the effectiveness of Client’s cost against insurance claims as well as recommend the optimal risk transfer of costs to the Client.
Targeted Claim Closing Program
Devise strategies to bring complex claims to prompt, equitable settlements.
Claim Reserve Analysis
Ensure Claims Best Practices are in effect and reserve funds are appropriate.
Evaluation of Risk Management Department Needs
Review the Risk Management Department’s structure and needs to determine what personnel are needed to achieve the organization’s risk management goals.
Agent/Broker Compensation
Guide Client in determining the most appropriate means (fee v commission) to compensate your broker and provide a recommended range of fair and reasonable compensation for the services provided.
Broker Service Agreement
Develop a comprehensive Broker Service Agreement that will set forth the terms of the relationship between the Client and the Broker/Agent, defining service level expectations. Allows for Clients to begin receiving services from the beginning of the broker relationship.
Total Cost of Risk (TCOR) Determination
Assist in developing Total Cost of Risk defined as the sum total of all risk management costs expressed as a dollar amount per $1,000 of revenue. An Organization can then track its TCOR year over year and be able to measure itself against others within its industry.
Leadership Risk Training
Personalized leadership training on incorporating risk into decision making; Enterprise Risk Management;
- Property Inspection Program
- Develop, Manage & Administer Subcontractor Pre-qualification Program
- Crisis/Emergency Preparedness, Communication & Management
- Workers Compensation & Return to Work Program
- Annual Budget & Allocation Preparation for Risk Management
- Alternate Financing Review & Recommendations
- Collateral Negotiation & Management
- Facility Safety Program
- Contract Reviews and Related Services
- Surety Program Management
- RMIS Selection, Implementation and Management
- Safety Program Development, Training & Management
- Acquisition & Divestiture Management
- Fleet & Driver Safety and RM Program
- OSHA Compliance